| - It's not healthy, it's fast food. Eat it if you want...just don't eat it everyday!
Sonic is awesome! They have a huge selection of items, will customize anyway you want on nearly any item. The best part, even with all that, it's really not too expensive.
This particular store was one of the fastest I have ever been to. My usual thing is to order, bring out my laptop, and start some work. My computer wasn't even done booting up when I saw the girl walking up towards my truck... WOW. The food was awesome and tasted great - exactly like I like it, it all the glory that is unhealthiness, and ya... I go LARGE SIZE! (smile).
Cherry Lime-aide (don't get the diet), deep fried cheesecake nuggets (don't forget the caramel!), double burgers with cheese and jalapeño's, watermelon slushee, jalapeño poppers, onion rings, and don't forget the SWEET POTATO FRIES! -- the list goes on.... great tasting food that you should not eat everyday.