Nothing beats walking down the street eating a croissant or sandwich. It's sheer heaven. I pulled the croissant from Fous Desserts out of its wax paper bag and I slowly took a bite. My nostrils flared as I paused to get my mind around what I was experiencing. Flaky, light texture, yet moelleux, soft. The butter. Was. Evident. But not like buttery. I don't know how to explain it. It was as if butter had been raised to an angelic state and gently blessed this croissant with its essence. There is no other way to describe it. This croissant was perfect. So I know that I said that comparing Montreal and Paris was useless, but this fucking croissant was better than even the ones I've had in Paris. For one thing, it was bigger. Not much bigger, but maybe 5% bigger. There was more exquisiteness to enjoy. But never had I tasted something that harmonized the delightful savory/sweet balance of the croissant so perfectly. It was a cloud with butter. It was pastry with wings. It was delicious!
You can read the rest of my review of this place at my blog. It was good enough to blog about!