| - My friend and I joined LA Fitness because we travel and need access to gyms in other cities. I wasn't impressed from the first hour, frankly. I went there a few times but was never confident in the cleanliness of the gym and didn't care for the frequent "telemarketing" approach of their trrainers seeking clients. I go there to workout and get away from stress, not to have to deal with telemarketers.
I finally decided to cancel my membership, and I can't tell you what a horrible experience it was. You can't cancel online and have to go to the gym. The problem is the only person who can "accept" your cancellation (take that with a grain of salt by the way -- they want to figure out how to keep you on, which is why they want to do it in person) is the Operations Manager and ONLY during the hours of M-F, 9-5, when most people are working their normal jobs.
I tried to cancel by phone. No dice. I dropped by the gym one day but the person I could cancel with wasn't available. Finally this morning, in a hurry to get to a meeting, I tried once more. Again, the Operations Manager was "helping another customer" (doubtful that she was actually "helping") and I didn't have time to wait.
So I researched the cancellation policy and discovered I could submit a letter and have it hand-delivered. That was great because my friend had planned to go for a swim. I wrote the letter, provided my tag number, and included a receipt to be signed by the Operations Manager. I called the club to find out the Op Mgr's name and was told it was Megan. Since I needed to have the full name on the receipt, I asked for the last name and was refused. I then insisted on being connected with the Operations Manager. After a couple of minutes on hold, Megan got on the line. I explained that I was writing a letter to cancel and it would be hand-delivered by my friend. She gave me a hassle and said, "How will I know that's really your signature?" (Really?!) She said I needed to include on the letter the account number. I did find out though that her last initial was "U" since I pointed out there are 1,000 Megans probably in that single gym.
Now, doesn't that sound like she knew the letter was coming and that she was telling me what I needed to include to have it work as a cancellation? Not so fast.
After spending over 2 hours with the whole mess today, my friend took the letter and receipt to her, and she refused to even open the envelope. This was AFTER I'd had a conversation with her about it on the phone!!! He was so mad that he cancelled his membership, too. So they not only lost one member...they lost two...and are getting a bad review on Yelp.
Really mad by this time, I contacted the national customer service (1-949-255-7200 as of today since none of the numbers you see when you google it are correct). I spoke with Christine, a manager of member services. Although she was polite and seemed appropriately disappointed in Megan U's performance, she really wasn't willing to do anything to make things better short of getting us back into the gym. Never! Never!! Never!!!