Driven by other wonderful reviews, I had to make my way to Knifewear and it did not disappoint! This should be an important stop for any chef, home cook or anyone that appreciates real quality in the kitchen.
This store specializes in imported Japanese knives, of all kinds. I have never seen so many in one place and some were quite beautiful with intricate detail.
They also carry a few kitchen gadgets, knife bags, cookbooks and men's personal shaver kits.
A cool but tight space of a store with the friendliest service on the planet. You will be greeted and asked what brings you in this date!
You can go in and test practically any knife you want. Even if you think you are not THE best with your knife skills, the knife you are using really makes a difference. A good knife does much of the work for you and I even surprised myself with my potato chopping. Some were so lightweight, it was ridiculous!
I bought a bread knife this date but will be back again to amp up many of my kitchen tools one at a time. Not cheap here, but you get what you pay for!
Thanks Knifewear! (in the heart of Inglewood)