Three Spirits is trying as hard as any brewery in Charlotte to make it. I drive by their brewery daily on my way to work. They offer multiple workout classes, runners club and even a beer stein making class. If you bring in a light rail ticket or Uber confirm they will give you a free 5 oz sample. If you give a positive review on facebook then you can also recieve a free 5 oz sample. All these promotions are listed on their website.
If Three Spirits made great beers, then they would not have to do half of these promotions. The Porter is their only decent brew. Their IPA is terrible. I hope that they can revamp their brewing lineup as they are within walking distance of my home.
The staff is wonderful. I really wanted to like this brewery. I was there on a Saturday night and the place was basically empty at 8pm. I agree there's great potential, if the owner brews different beers.