| - I concur with the reviews that this is a 'hidden gem' among theaters - specifically "mainstream" movie theaters, i.e., more likely to be playing a sequel or kids movie. So, you really can't compare it to a Filmbar or Camel-*gag*cough,cough*gag*-view because they don't show major studio-financed movies that get called "indie" (as opposed to major studio-financed movies that don't get the hipster designation -- if none of what I just stated makes any sense to you, then you probably don't go to movies that often to care about the diff.) Accordingly, you can't judge Picture Show by Filmbar standards if one theater shows crap - albeit big-bugeted, undeniably entertaining crap - and the other theater shows Cinema with a capital "C." Ok? No comparison.
However, there is a reasonable criticism to be made vis a vis the concession stand being situated in the lobby, but before the entrance of the theaters. As in: First, you get the tickets - secondly, you get the popcorn and soda - and thirdly, you hand your ticket to the ticket-taker. I don't know why no other Yelp review has pointed this out, but that really isn't the "norm" for *any* moving picture exhibitor.
There's also a reasonable criticism to be made that their popcorn tastes like it was popped out of a microwaveable bag. It tastes better than AMC's popcorn (constipation alert there), but not as good as Harkin's popcorn. So, be careful about getting a large popcorn: stick with small or medium.
I'm in the "Yay! I'm a fan" category.