| - Gotta give the guys props, they've got a good idea going and business is definitely bumping in this place. But for a girl that has been lucky enough to have eaten at HOT DOUG'S of Chicago, this place is a mere shadow of them.
A few interesting choices including the BANH MI, KIMCHEE, and HAWAIIAN dog. Of the 3 we tried, the hawaiian dog won out. However, I was disappointed that every dog was the SAME HOT DOG under different toppings. Especially if I am paying FIVE, SEVEN, and up to NINE DOLLARS for a dog, I better see some more effort than different toppings. One day if they hope to expand, they might think about making their own sausages with different meats/flavors (go hot doug!).
Now the FRIES---SALT OVERLOAD! Tell the dude over the fryer to take it easy, man! A good number of them were CRUSTED WITH SALT and I was anticipating a thirst outbreak in 30 minutes.
All in all, not bad for a place that just opened. They definitely have potential, but I won't be craving for a return visit.