Just a postscript to my previous review. I still love the TRL, and it is a wonderful institution - but it's a frikkin' labour of love getting things from the stacks. In list form:
1. Find I can request books from the stacks on computer. Oooh! This is easy.
2. Find out I can pick which floor they show up on. Oops, some of them are being sent to the wrong floor. Go in, seconds after I made the request, and update the request with the right floor.
3. Wait the suggested 15-20 minutes before looking at the hold shelves.
4. 40 minutes after I make the request, find some of them on the wrong floor. Where are the rest?
5. The lady at the general enquiry desk directs me to the holds people. After I get someone's attention, he promises to go look.
6. Half an hour later, find out the books have disappeared.
7. Make more requests on the computer; wait forty minutes. When the books don't arrive, go home tired.
TRL, I love you, but you need to fix this.