Where to start? Hmmm...
My 15 year old son and I wanted to test drive a new Journey. I am a single mom who doesn't have the best credit but I had been doing my research and knew a Journey SXT would fit in my budget.
We were greeted by a salesman. I told him I'd like to test drive a Journey. He doesn't ask me any questions. He just takes me to the most expensive model, proceeds to tell me how good I would look sitting behind the wheel and then hands me his card so that if anyone asks, I'm working with him. He comes back tries to start the car and it won't start. Really. He's pushing the button and its not starting.
At this point I take over and tell him what I really want. How I don't need all the bells and whistles. He goes to get his manager.
The manager asks if they could run a credit app and then see what I qualify for before they let me test drive any vehicles.
Fine. We sit down. I hand him my license. (Now here comes sleazy comment 1). Him: "How do you say your name?" Me: "Russica"
Him: "Ohhhh, that's a sexy name!"
Again...my son is sitting next to me. It went downhill from here.
He barely knew how to write. Their customer service is horrible. He ate food in front of us. Well, after he hid a chicken wing in his hand under the desk while holding my paperwork. Ugh.
The manager spoke to me as though I was an idiot. I guess they don't feel a woman can do this on their own. Hmmm...
Too bad. I was hoping there would be a decent Dodge dealership in town.
Oh! I did get a car though! Same price as what I wanted. Yes...I qualified :-) and my payments were less than what I expected. No. It wasn't Drivetime as I was told would be the only place who could sell me a car.
Thanks Chapman for making your experience horrible so I could have a wonderful experience elsewhere!
Oh...and you told me about your 5 star status. Well on this experience you should have stars taken away.
A single mom who will spread the word about my experience