| - I hate to admit this, but I'm not much of a zoo person. Or a museum person, or a gallery person, or pretty much anything that charges an admission fee. (I'll make an exception for Disney World.)
I don't know why that is. Probably because I usually get tired within two hours of coming. It's not that I dislike walking; in fact, I really love walking. But I get overwhelmed because there's so much to see and do in these places, and I feel anxious that I won't "do the visit proud."
However: I'm trying to get more into stuff like this, especially with a wee one who (might someday) enjoy gazing at animals. On our visit last week, she (at nine months) was more interested in the people and trees. But that's okay! I had a good time here.
There were lots of helpful zoo staff, people who held the doors to exhibits open for you and stuff. That was a nice touch. There were plenty of signs everywhere in case you wanted to read up on something you were looking at.
As Stefanie mentioned humorously in her review, there were lots of dumb moms letting their kids be annoying to others and giving them the wrong facts about certain animals.
And, as predicted, I saw about an hour and a half's worth of stuff, got exhausted and hot, and wanted to leave. So I did!
If I'd felt so inclined, I could have left and come back and the pass still would have been good for the rest of the day. But I didn't, MOSTLY because the traffic getting to the zoo (I took W 25th) is a major pain in the ass.
Didn't eat anything here, so I can't speak to that.
Parking was fine; there are a bunch of large lots and some smaller ones that are closer. Expect those closer ones to be full if you come on a day when kids are out of school (like I so brilliantly decided to do ... too crowded!!) I purposely took practically the farthest spot I could find and still be able to walk a "normal" distance to the entrance. It was about a 10-minute walk, but so worth it not to have to deal with parking jerks on the way in or out.
I will definitely come back, but maybe I'll wait until someone is a little older.