Solid little store just off the strip near the new SLS Hotel and Casino (aka So Long Sahara). Owner (I think he's the owner at least) is cool. I dealt with him dozens of times and he's friendly, just need to start off the conversation if not, you may not hear a word from him. If you need any help, he is there to help you out. All my buying experiences have been good here.
The place is small but very nicely laid out, very well organized and lit store. It's easy to find what you are looking for if you come into a store with a short list. But alas, we record dorks like to get our hands dirty to the degree of needing a good hand washing by the time we are done.
When anyone writes a review, let's face it, people want to know if they are stocked good and how are the prices. Their stock to me is split really 25/75 between new vinyl in which they have the 2nd best of in town after Zia (and they have some "imports" which is coded for you know what and classic rock/jazz vinyl which they have a lot of. If you looking for anything Beatles related they are in most cases roughly 25% more than eBay. The rest of the store in all musical genres are standard prices and you can find many solid records in great condition at below market value.
If you are a collector, than I would say this would be a nice hour or so pit stop. Nothing earth shattering, but damn solid shop.