| - I loveD LVAC Rainbow/Lakemead until Feb 2013. They permanently removed the mirrors from the main rooms on the first floor where classes are offered. Traditionally, exercise rooms have mirrors. It is unnatural to take classes in rooms without mirrors. Mirrors are an absolute need and there are many reasons for that. I don't know of any health clubs that have training rooms without mirrors and I have been member of many gyms in the US and abroad. To me, it's unbelievable and it's a shame that a club like LVAC removed the mirrors from the main exercise rooms. To make it more incomprehensible, the only room that has mirrors is upstairs where they offer the cycling classes. Now, does that make any sense? I'm having a problem understanding the rationale behind it. And to make things worse, they painted the room black! It's taking them forever to finish the so called "renovation" of the room. As of this writing, Room 1 is ugly, depressive and lacks logistics. They have added new features that people don't care for and many members are very unhappy, others like me, have not gone back to the classes. The gigantic LVAC sign in the center of the room is good for nothing. Wrong allocation of money. We were deprived of our regular classes in that room for weeks and now it's mid-March and the room is not finished yet. This is terrible and shameful. They should fire the "brilliant" mind behind this failed project. By the way, complaints to the management have been made to no avail.
For me the club now is crippled. It no longer meets my needs. That's not the club I joined 3 years ago. I bought a 3 year membership in a club that had mirrors in every training room. At the time, that was not even an issue because that's the norm.
Anyway, the above is MY opinion. Some may not care about mirrors and good for you. As for me, I refuse!