So I guess a nurse gave me my meds while in was sound asleep. Why? If I'm sleeping, I don't think I need that morphine shot.
And the charge nurse said that they take each dose seriously, that the doctor wrote every three hours.
So I had to write something stating that if I am sleeping do not give me pain medication.
Is that consider ssault, since the nurse did not have my permission. I was told no it's not. That health providers such as doctors and nurses in a hospital setting are allowed to tie someone down in a bed with restraints and can draw blood, give vaccines if needed, give pain medication.
WTF, maybe tomorrow I'll record some of these conversations. Now I'm afraid to sleep.
Be they may give me something else.
I known I sound paranoid. But after being given a drug that I obviously didn't need nor want the morphine at that time, scares me. I have asked to speak with someone. And the send me a PCA, who can not do anything to correct this.
And now I get a social worker and she said she never heard any of this . That no one told her.
Why amni not surprised.
And then I ask if I can part of my discharge instructions.
They won't let me no hear one doctor say i need a pic line, and other say hi just oral antibiotics. And hi just heard someone say nothing.
Would be nice if I was allowed to be part of my recovery.