| - I'd give 0 stars if I could. I loved the car when I test drove it, had some scuffs in different areas but it wasn't something I was really concerned about. Some lady pulled out in front of me and totaled my *paid off* car so I had the unfortunate business of finding another one. After about 6 different dealerships, I was reluctant to find a car still on the lot after seeing it on their website/wherever it was posted. Got the car, paid in cash so thankfully I have no "return to raise the payments/interest" bs story... had a wonderful time telling them how much I was going to pay for it and argued for a little while... probably 2 hours later it was in my hands. (A single key, might I add.) I had an issue with getting an oil change- they couldn't take a hose off in fear of destroying another important part so I called them. They said, oh sure we'll fix it. I drove 45 mins to them just for someone to hit it with a wrench a few times- and that's exactly what my mechanic said happened. Took it back and caused a tiny bit of hell over it, I needed a part and they said they would get back to me when it came into the shop. A month later, nothing. Not a call, not a damn thing. So I call the guy that had my car under his name and he says "oh we got the part" but y'all didn't wanna call me? Fine. He says to bring it in and he'll get it fixed right away. Done deal, no issues. Fixed. 2 months (if that) later, my system light is up. Great, they checked it out after I said I wasn't paying for the diagnostic- turns out a mouse ate a wire? Fantastic. Oh they want $300 to fix it? Lol. 4 months later, brake light is coming up and you can start to hear them squeal. I go get the brake fluid filled, but turns out my front rotors are warped. (Still have some time on my brake pads but) Hello $2-300. 5 months later- the AC condenser needs to be replaced because it's leaking heavily. YAY! Just in time for AZ's hellish summer?!? PERFECT! HELLO $6-800!!! So after all of this so far, I may as well have bought a new car and dealt with a few payments. Especially from another dealership. If it looks like a lemon... if it acts like a lemon... you bought an f-ing lemon. Best part about this is that I called to check and see what they pulled from the diagnostic on that wire so I can get it fixed elsewhere for cheaper and the guy purposely kept saying my name wrong (I corrected him and he kept doing it- not the worst part) and also informed me that they did not have it saved in the system. So tell me, how is this possible? Is someone not doing their job?? How do you not put the issue into the system? It costs so much to get that done yet they didn't care to save it? Would they have ran the diagnostics again for free??? He told me he would talk to the guy I normally see and have yet to get a call back.
Don't waste your time with these people, the guy who sold me the car was nice but only because he gets paid when I like him and the car enough but it was a mistake. I would have rather wasted another day searching for a better car and company. And no, I will not call Eric to discuss this because I'm done with yalls BS. Hope your lemonade is sweet, unlike your business ethics.