| - I have yet to find a good bakery in Charlotte. If you know of a good Italian bakery (or other), please email it to me. If it's good, I will get you a gift card from there. The only reason I think people give this bakery a good rating, is because they compare it to a super market "bakery." Down south, super market bakeries are not bakeries, they're just a point of sale for terrible process and sometimes pre-frozen food. This bakery is on par with the ever awful Harris Teeter.
I don't know what, or if any, of the food here is actually made on site. I gave this place 3 attempts. The pastries are dry and flavorless. I had lemon meringue pie, and it was still partly frozen. FROZEN! A bakery should make ALL baked goods on site. Even the bread. Nothing should be delivered there by truck except raw materials. At the end of the day, all food is either thrown out or donated. This is how it's done at a real bakery. If you do keep yesterdays food, wrap it and discount it making it known that it's yesterdays good.
I have standards for bakeries and delis because I grew up in NY. But even the bakery in Michigan where I went to university blew away any bakery in Charlotte, and that was in the midwest...aka "the rustbelt."
STOP REWARDING SUB-PAR FOOD CHARLOTTE. Establish a standard, and don't waste your money on those who don't meet it. I know it's difficult, because since moving here, I often find myself settling for somewhere because at least they have the item I want, even though it's not any good. We must constantly remind ourselves that we're going out and paying for GOOD food, not just food. Go up north and visit some bakeries and stop giving this place 4 and 5 stars.