This is a very clean ball park. Even the restrooms are clean! The fan shop is great, the stadium location is convenient, there's $5 parking close by, and Diamondback game tickets are just about THE cheapest tickets that can be purchased for an MLB game! (I've been to Fenway Park and Yankee Stadium. My wallet never quite recovered). I love the Chase Field dome and the a/c, which is so necessary for summer games. The staff at Chase Field really maintains the natural grass playing field. The announcer does some nice unique things during games, such as having veterans stand to be recognized. The food at many of the stands in the park is quite pricey, but I've never gone to an MLB game where I encountered inexpensive food. But, no matter where you are, a small handful of French Fries with a dribble of "cheese" sauce is not worth $6.50! Sheesh!