I am pending legal action.. The crazy looking lady that is suppose to be the manager and Max are the worst people ever.. I was pumping gas and the lady ..forgot her name but she comes RUNNING OUT the gas station and yells at me and takes my pump out and gasoline literally is spraying everywhere... all over my car all over my clothes and herself. It was on hold lock... I have no more words I am beyond upset and disappointed and very very much harassed and treated like total garbage for no reason. I went back and a report was on hold...? Yeah idk I just wanted to compromise yet I could have caught fire or worst the whole place could have blew up. I waited to speak with hire up and they pretty much said without a report they dont care and not going to consider the fact that... "I WAS COVERED IN GASOLINE BY THEIR EMPLOYEE MANAGER" I called and reported also to corporate n no one has gotten back to me, I am just livid how do people live with themselves let alone have a job!? Its sad I have more words but they are just confused as much as those reading this are. I am safe and handled that very calmly and cameras do not lie but I font think theirs worked because the LAW wasto come in during my report and had access to their cameras like the Metro Police department own all surveillance cameras? Sad cold people in this world and I thought Max was nice but he was a snob when I went back twice looking for a higher up professional caring manager but no we have half a brain people running this city and in businesses with growing franchise its unbearable to see businesses are still open...