Corso 1471 was pretty good. My husband and I had the chance to try them 2 months ago while visiting Montreal for my birthday. We happened to just be walking around and came upon it and decided to try it. The staff greeted us and sat us at our table. The waiter was tentative and nice.
Our waiter brought out bread and an Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar mix. The bread was good and I love the Olive Oil & Vinegar mix. We were first introduced to it in Italy when we went for our honeymoon. After the bread was brought out we ordered appetizers. We split a Caesar salad and ordered Fried Calamari. The Calamari was served with a Marinara sauce and an Aioli. The Fried Calamari and the bread were very good. After our appetizers and bread, we ordered our meals. I ordered the Roasted Salmon and my husband ordered a Pizza. The Roasted Salmon was soooo good. It was nice and tender and flavorful. I ordered mine to be cooked all the way through. I don't like the texture of the fleshy pinkness in the middle when it's only cooked med-rare. It was served with Lime and Mascarpone Risotto, Grilled Asparagus, & Reggiano Emulsion. The risotto and the veggies were also very good! The veggies were cooked perfect, not to crunchy but the perfect tenderness. The emulsion was the perfect sauce. It also had a few carrots in it. Everything in this dish just went together soooo well to create the perfect dish. Very good! My husband ordered a pizza with onions, peppers and sausage on it. It was also very good. He liked it and had no complaints. I also tried it and thought the same.
Overall, my husband and I enjoyed our experience at Corso 1471. I enjoyed it so much that one night we didn't feel like going out so I ordered it to our hotel. They definitely have good food, and I would recommend them to others.