| - I have, rather *had* been a Progressive customer for many years. 6 Months ago my rates spiked 35%. I called. And called. And called. Always polite. Tyring to find out what caused the dramatic rate increase. After 35 years of a pristine driving record. Putting a massive 3000 miles total on my car. It is all there.
I know... stupid civilian me.
I am not blind. I had hoped for at least an educated explanation.
I know, stupid me.
See my rating for the opinion. If I could place a lower rating I would. It was not just facing disappointment, it was dealing with incompetance. Not one customer service agent, out of would say 5, could have passed their GED. Forget that... not one would engage, dial in, and go to bat. I know... corporate scripts to read from. I am not stupid. Which is why I called repeatedly looking for just an explanation.
Epic Fail. Somewhere along the line someone could have grabbed the brass ring and helped. Nawp.
So I went with my mortgage company which in the past has been absolutely stellar, coming to our need after a total house fire and being absolutely top shelf. I mention State Farm because I wish I had combined auto with home long before, having had a real person who will answer your needs matters, and we have had direct experience with State Farm and they were supreme... while Progressive, when I was just looking for simple answers to my question produced Epic Fail.
Cute commercials. Performance however.... words removed because I am a gentleman.
Am bummed. For about a minute. Moving on. And have a story to tell.