Be aware when you purchase from this store that you better make sure you really want to shoe that you purchase... understand the return policy. I bought a pair of shoes for them for exactly one day and tried to return them. The store would not except the return. They offered a store credit which was useless to me considering I cannot wear any of the brands of work shoe they carry. If you are a CHEF do not purchase shoes from the store. You will not be happy with anything they offer from Dansko, Alegria, Birkenstock brand, or Softwalk. The shoes will not have the support and comfort required if you have plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, or high arches. I had to take a 75% return, (a $30 loss)as a result. Try K And M shoes on Decatur. They have a vast selection of work shoes that are far more appropriate for a chef than anything either of the two Birkenstocks stores can offer. Extremely unhappy with both the service and the selection of the store. Will never set foot in there again