Here is an amazing example of Yelp at its best. The renters in a house I own go MIA over night. They leave me no notice and with a dirty house that I need to clean, rent, and repair in a few days. Yelp provided me with the number to George at Paridise Carpet Cleaning and well......
Begin Montage sequence (Sung to pokemon theme).....
I'm gonna clean this house real fast.
I'm gonna fix all it faults and cracks
The walls need painting
And the yard's full of poo...
The carpet is filthy what to do?
Clean it quick!
Gotta Clean it all!!
When "Ex-Tentant" used "Abandon House" and it was highly effective. I countered with my level 99 Georgio and used "Paridise Clean" and "Ex-tenant" fainted.
Gotta Catch them all!