It was okay here, but it didn't grab me like I'd hoped and there is no pinball, so sort of a bummer there. I didn't like that they charge a cover. The first time we stopped by, it was late and it was $10 for the husband and $5 for me and we really just wanted to see what it was like, so we passed and then came back not long after they opened the next day before the cover started. I hate covers. Especially when I am then going to buy drinks AND insert coins. Bleh.
Well, I didn't end up buying a drink, after all, so can't comment on the drinks or the prices. We did play a few video games at 50 cents per play. They had a lot of old school games and then along one wall you can play like X Box or Nintendo games... not sure how that works. I guess you must pay for a controller or something. But after a few games of Burger Time and Centipede and Frogger, I remembered I could play most of those at home for free, so we bailed.
I think this might be fun with a big group of people who just wanna have some fun, but I wasn't super impressed. I like the idea... just not sold on the execution here.