Great prices and getting the rewards card is definitely worth it. For every $1 subtotal you spend, you get 1 point. When you get your card up to 50 points (and this is after you activate your card of course) they will send you a $5 off coupon code that you can redeem off the next $26.70 or more purchase in the store. The part I like about this is that you don't have to print he coupon code number, you can have them scan your smartphone or even just write it down.
Be careful though because rewards coupons expire after 14 days of earning them and the rewards points are on a quarterly system so they will all expire 9/30/15 and start over 10/1/15 for the next 3 months after that.
The website is easy to navigate and the rewards account link is more useful than keeping up with points through your email.
The only downfall that I could possibly think of this place is the fact that the inventory is unpredictable, but that's also a perk because these types of discount stores tend to have somewhat of a treasure hunting appeal.
Overall, 5 stars.