after leaving a snooty rooftop lounge with wealthy hetereosexual men not interested in taking on a fellow heterosexual man as a sugar son [is that what sugar daddies call their offspring?]...we decided to slum it up at Rok Vegas.
we got VIP or whatever from a guy passing out passes and wristbands 20 feet away from the bar....and i'm pretty sure they would've let me in if i was wearing my pajamas.
the floor was stickier than a porn theatre. and the room was small....and eliptical. i couldn't dance....not because i don't know how [AND TRUST ME, I KNOW HOW]...but because the floor was so sticky, i literally couldn't move my feet. it was once we got out of the orgy of creepers, and mini-all-girl dance circles that we started to have fun.
all the fun happened on the side lines where we actually had room to dance and move our feet. i guess people were staring? BUT WHO CARES. we just wanted to dance. i'm actually giving this place 3 stars, but i'm adding one because i stole dance moves from the security guards and i kinda feel bad for that.