I have nothing but good things to say about this airline! After my horrible experience with price gouging with frontier, I am thrilled to say that United did everything they could to see that we were comfortable and happy. From here on out we will ALWAYS fly United as long as they offer the flight we need. Because we were a last minute fair, my family was separated on the plane. The lovely and very friendly staff worked and worked until they managed to find us a way to sit together, even taking the time to call other passengers up and ask if they would be willing to change seats to accommodate us. The planes were like any other plane, tight and small but not too uncomfortable and the seats did recline. The flight attendants were friendly and efficient and very helpful. On the flight out, TV was free, although we did have to pay 7 bucks to have tv on the flight home. It was no big deal. The drink and snack service was great and the snack boxes were pretty good for airline food. I didn't order a meal, but the man next to me had a lovely vegetarian meal and seemed to enjoy it. Everything went smoothly both ways with only one two hour delay out of Chicago due to the fog. Great service.