| - In my one experience here: shop here with caution.
I bought a Luminox watch here and it was working fine when purchased. I didn't wear it until the next day. Within hours it stopped working. I brought it back, and expecting a new watch or a refund in exchange, the salesman checked the battery, etc. proclaimed it working and sent me on my way. A brand new watch shouldn't have to be opened for any reason, mind you.
A day later, it stopped working again. I brought it back. Refund? No. New replacement? No. Bear in mind, this was for obviously a defect or some type of existing problem, and therefore the store should replace or refund the watch, not the manufacturer, and it's not my fault the store does not keep more than one of the models in question in stock, and in this case should (must) refund the watch. Did they? Of course not. You would have thought I asked for a toilet made of solid gold.
They sent it off to Luminox. They gave me a replacement (a digital sports watch) to use in the meantime. It stopped working the next day.
I just got my watch back... nearly 4 weeks after purchasing it, and 3 weeks after they sent it away. It is purportedly a new watch.
My experience with this store was terrible. I give it two stars instead of one because, this was my experience and they can't be selling all broken watches, right? If they are, or you have a problem, plan on waiting 4 weeks from date of purchase to wear your watch.