Found them originally on craigslist as the lowest priced per hour auto shop in the Valley. Thought I would try it out and have been a loyal customer ever since. Mike and Felicia are awesome. In the last month they have saved me close to $2,000 in potential car repairs. I took both of my cars to get oil at one of the bigger auto repair franchises in the valley because it was closer to my home and convenient. The first time I was told that my car was "GUSHING OIL." It needed new gaskets, blah blah blah. The cost was $500 then after it was cleaned they could look and see what else needed to be done. WOW. So as if I hadn't learned my lesson, I took my other car their for a quick oil change and had recommendations totaling $1,500. Both times I took my car right over to Then and Now Automotive to find in the first case that the car was fine and the second time I needed a front end alignment and they recommended another shop to do it for me. Total cost $50. So let's do the math, $500 + $1,500 = RIP OFF!!! Then and Now Automotive = Happy and Loyal Customer!!! Now it's your choice. I hope I saved you some time and money. Blessings!