| - Let's just say that if I wanted to be disrespected, embarrassed and downright pissed off I could've gone to work and at least gotten paid for it instead of wasting my time at this crappy hole in the wall deli!!!!
I'm not sure what crawled up this particular employees butt or if anything else could've even fit up there next to his head but someone was PMSing this morning & it wasn't me! I'll admit, the three staff members behind the counter when my boyfriend & I walked in were friendly, one of them even brought out our food to the table for us.
However, I ordered a lemonade & a Ruben with just meat & bread on it- piece of cake, right? Wrong! My lemonade WAS NOT lemonade, it was so watered down that I would've gotten more satisfaction from a rain puddle full of stagnant water with mosquito larva in it. I ended up throwing it out on my way home before it was even half way empty. But what I should've done is thrown it at this older man (with short peppered hair & glasses) behind the counter & here's why:
When I received my sandwich, there was Swiss cheese on it, no biggie. I wasn't mad but brought it back up to the counter to have it remade. I stood inline just like everybody else & waited my turn, but before I could even get one word out I was being screamed at. This peppered hair jerk literally said (in the most sarcastic tone ever!) " Let me guess, you want sauerkraut & sauce on it" and rolled his eyes. I just shook my head "No" and then he grabbed the sandwich & screamed "What does it have cheese on it & you didn't want cheese" with attitude & threw it away. I was only going to ask that it be remade, I wasn't mad until this jerk opened his mouth and PMS's all over my entire day. So I naturally got mad & said I want a refund.
The girl who gave me back my money was cool but you could hear this douch bag going on & on about how people like me drive him insane & ruin the world, etc... Well, I feel that way about people like him so...Also, listening to religious gospel while trying to enjoy lunch, not cool. Pretty sure the reason why this moron had race car pics all over the restaurant is probably because he's one of those men who have a tiny dick & have to buy "impressive" toys to make up for his lack of manhood.
So unless you want a heeping pile of "f**k you" then don't waste your time visiting this hole in the wall deli & it's " I have a stick up my butt" manager.