| - My experience here was good as I had the chance to bring my son with me, as a graduation gift, and more so for him to see why I want the best for him and that the best requires the presence of mind, for me this means college,though as a father I accept he is an individual incarnate, that has choice, and from within he will and must make his choice.....whats this got to do with the Kai? Nothing and Everything as I connected with my son and he got it, well he had the best culinary experience, means he said oh I see what you mean about microwave food, all this aside, the presentation at Kai respects the traditions of the Native Americans, whom we as Americans owe more than I can describe in words, so if you are fortunate enough to be at this place or locale stop by and experience their expression of perfection.
Pay your respect to the culture that endured the worst we "americans" projected and respect the kindness and value of they that were here first. william ashton