I tend to view businesses in terms of the people they hire to represent them to the public. If the doctor's expertise is at the same relative level of those she hires to process new patients. best of luck to those who seek treatment.
First. Kudos to the Dr. for her service to our country. Presumably her bio is not as inaccurate as the on line picture of her office. Her staff told me that her office does not look anything like the picture. Who to believe?
Given the above, why did I schedule an appointment? Because her online bio cites military service.
As I followed the instructions I was given to find her office, I repeatedly described my route to her office worker who was providing directions. After 20 minutes of following her directions, I surrendered to the possibility, that a good Dr. does not know enough about business to hire front line staff that can actually do the job.
I have no knowledge of the Dr.'s qualifications (who to believe?) or her expertise (I canceled when her staff couldn't direct me to her office.). I do know that I will never entrust my vision to her.