Okay, I'm absolutely, positively, well and truly DONE with this place. Last night (Wednesday) we had arranged with friends to meet there for dinner at 6:45pm. When we got there (6:45pm) there was a CLOSED sign in the window -- AGAIN! I've mentioned the ridiculous business hours before - such as taking Sunday off to celebrate the fact that it comes after Saturday etc. It seems that they have all new business hours, and what I read has permanently lost them four customers.
Closed Monday and Tuesday (?!) Wednesday open 11am-3pm (!?) Thursday open 11am-8pm. That's basically as far as I bothered to read.
This restaurant can go to hell - that's the third time I've arrived at a completely appropriate time of the evening only to have the place inexplicably closed. I don't care about the recent renovations and frankly there are way too many other delicious places around to be bothered severely adjusting schedules and timing to get into this place during the three or four hours a week that they could be BOTHERED to open. Screw them.
EDIT 20120925: Apparently they've changed the name of this place to "Eddie's European Bistro". A lot of time has passed since I got the sh1ts with them; I MAY decide to return and see if anything's improved. If they're closed once more that'll be IT though.