| - What in the world was I doing at Vinyl Retro Lounge on a Saturday night? I DONT KNOW. Okay, I do know. It was a joint birthday celebration two of my friends decided to have, and they chose this place. Why? I DONT KNOW. So I had to show.
We missed our 10:30 no-cover guestlist time, so actually had to pay $10 to get into this place. We found our 'crew' in the 'VIP section, and it was pretty empty so that was good. The other good thing was that it was ridiculously easy to walk up to the bar and order a drink. As in, there was no one there ordering anything. Weird.
Anyway, gosh the music sucked. It was atrocious. The sound system was terrible, I couldnt even tell what the hell was playing half the time. I was trying not to be a sourpuss but I couldnt help it. I didnt even want to dance it was so bad. The crowd there was barely 17, and I'm not even exagerrating. I dont have anything against 17 year-olds, but I'd rather not go to a place that is filled with nothing else but.
From where I was, I could see the dance floor was lit up with these REALLY TACKY blue lights and had some tacky smoke being pumped out every 20 minutes, but only in the ceiling. So random and unnecessary and tacky.
At 12 or so, three cops came and stood beside our 'VIP' area for like half an hour. I didnt know why they were there, but one of our friends went to talk to them casually but was brushed off, at which point he came back pissed off.
The drinks were served in these crappy plastic glasses/cups which were hideous and disgusting-looking. I decided to save my sanity and get out of there after a couple of hours. I dont need to tell you that I'm not going back.