I love this new location of Crisp. Easy in-and-out for take-out, or pop in for lunch. I've been two times in the past couple weeks, and each time, the service is fast and efficient, and the order is perfectly right.
I won't bore you with the details, because this one is almost the same as the 7th street location...but I will say this for anybody who hasn't been before:
Fresh ingredients (several types of salad greens to choose from and lots of toppings), big portions (never, never do I finish a whole salad, maybe 3/4ths at best) and yes, a bit more expensive than a salad you'd get at the salad bar. The grilled shrimp custom salad I buy is usually $12 with unsweetened iced tea...but I don't mind paying the price for the selection and freshness. I always get an extra crisp bread to go with my salad for crunch.
Oh, and I totally agree with Stephanie K. It's my go-to place for detoxing after a 12 course heavy meal :-) It just makes your body feel better :-)