| - Very inferior service. This rating is based on 3 years of service.
1. After opening account, I had to request credit and debit card 3 times. With the exception of 3rd time, each previous time there was no record that requests where made. However, 2 chequing and 2 tfsa accounts were opened, I am thinking by mistake instead of credit card requests.
2. Once when traveling, I went to pay and was told the card was declined. I placed call to RBC and was told that due to security breach card was cancelled. Even though that morning I received a marketing call from RBC, nobody from RBC called to tell me that the card is being cancelled. They also told me that I did not have an option of picking up a replacement card at my travel location even though there is a branch there.
3. When going through mortgage process, the bank rep - Betty Diotte was very disorganized and panicy. Despite having all the information well in advance, I was informed that mortgage will not be processed by closing date but within a few days after that. I switched to another company and closed with no issues by closing date. RBC mortgage rep kept calling to ask why I switched and despite me explaining, kept pressing me to return to RBC mortgage. At one point Betty even called my real estate agent to see if the agent could get me to switch back. Betty was informed by the agent this is unethical and considered breach of privacy to do this without my permission.
4. Since I don't get paper statements, I don't get cancelled checks. If I need a copy of cancelled check, the back has to MAIL them which takes at least 1 full business day to mail. This information I was informed is not available any other way. Considering other places offer pick up or can attached to secure electronic message within hours - it is embarrasing that one of the largest banks in Canada doesn't have such resources.
5. As a general rule, the tellers in the bank are not privacy conscience and frequently disclosure private information loud enough for other customers to hear. I would not expect this from any professional business but even less so from such a big entity.
Overall, very negative experience. Occasionally, I meet a nice and helpful teller that softens the experience, but that's far and in between. Since joining RBC, I have specifically recommeneded coleagues and friends to join other banks. Word of month!