I would like to tell you a story about the worst day of my life. It was when I came to your worthless"bar" Your overpriced cocktails have the alcohol content of a handi-wipe at best. I can also conclude that you do not have any sort of benefits offered to your employees because they walk by customers several times and cannot seem to recognize what a customer holding cash looks like. Send them to an eye doctor. They are too busy checking their cell phones and showing each other their awful, awful tattoos. The prisoners in a concentration camps received better service from the Nazis then I got from the employees at your bar. I had such a bad experience that I feel I will never be able to get an erection ever again, until I hear that your place has gone out of business (I'm sure it will very soon) The only compliment I have is that I am glad you allow dogs on your patio. I plan to bring them mine over soon after eating five cans of Hormel chili in the hopes they will piss and s*** all over the place and hopefully maul a member of your useless staff. If a member of the police force shows up and have been to your dump bar, they will understand and let me go. I predict your hellhole will soon be turning into a gay bar.
P.S. - The food you offer..... wow. I can't believe you try to pass that kibble off as food. The health department will be by soon and will close your virtual food "house of horrors" ASAP. Great food if you are constipated and need to do a little spring cleaning. If you are bulimic, come eat here. Guaranteed to make you puke.
Looking forward to the day you go out of business.