This is a good location that always seems to have availability. They did not hassle us with pricing when we bought a Groupon and completed our initial consultation 8 weeks ago. They accepted the Groupon without trying to upsell and seemed very reasonable with their approach to removing a simple/small tattoo on the foot (they quoted 6 visits with a guarantee to complete more if needed to finish the job).
During both visits we had Jolene as our practicing nurse who administered the laser treatment. My girlfriend was very happy with her treatment and the care taken to explain the before, during and after process. Jolene is personable and caring with her approach. Kudos to Dr. Tattoff for employing her at this location.
After two visits we should start seeing progress with the breakdown of the tattoo. It has only slightly started to break down now after 8 weeks (2nd treatment was today).
Overall, we recommend this location. It seems about as good as we could expect to get for the services rendered and price paid. Go for it.