Lake Las Vegas is absolutely gorgeous and has such a romantic atmosphere. Wine Walk supported New Vista, a non-profit organization that supports and empowers disabled persons.
That said, the wine to wine walker ratio was entirely uneven. They provided a punch card where you could get a 1 oz sample of wine at each of the 20 stations. Unfortunately, we had no idea where some of the stations were because there was no map provided and wine tables were not clearly marked (some of the tables were inside shops). The only way we could guess there was a wine table present was by noting loooong lines.
At one point, we stood in a line assuming there was a wine table at the end of it, but it was just a line for a food sample. Obviously, I don't mind free food, but I was sad there was no wine.
The bf and I made it to 10 of the 20 wine stations but in order to do so we had to power walk and choose lines carefully. We couldn't make it to the other 10 stations because they either ran out of wine by the time we made it around or we couldn't find them.
The location and weather were perfect, the live music was charming, and it supported a wonderful organization, but wine walk itself fell flat for me.