Seriously? In this day and time of health was a free choice to walk in but, seriously?
Ok... two people for bison burger and one hot dog plus two drinks, one water and one fountain soda, cost $23.79 Seriously?
The mini-mound of fries was about 2 potatoes of fries...covered in cheese, and very tired looking bacon bits and smothered atop with Mac n Cheeese...Ok, so I didn't read the menu...i just thought it was going to be fries. Fries with mac n cheese and more cheese....OMG ....I know I'm going to need a laxative. omg. They were cold fries on top of the heart attack I was about to down. Seriously?
The dining room was a huge red room.. I felt like i was eating in the waiting room of mechanics garage. Given the amount of oil expended to make my lunch it could have been. Red walls, loud untuned radio station, heart attack food and 30$ for all that pleasure. Seriously?????
Go next door to Greek or Thai. Skip this accident.