| - Penzey's is a great place to go when you know that you want to make something special but you're not entirely sure what. They spices and herbs are all top-notch so whatever you make is going to be incredible. Even if you're a shitty cook, you can make something palatable with the help of Penzey's.
So, you don't know what to make for dinner. Look around. Saffron? Saffron sold in grocery stores smells like DayQuil and is ineffective. The stuff you get here is the real deal. A tiny little pinch will make your rice golden and delicious.
Okay, so, you have saffron. What next? A fresh vanilla bean? I'll use that vanilla bean to make the best vanilla ice cream I've ever made in my life!
Look around a little bit, smell this, smell that... orange peel? It smells so GOOD! Okay, so, using that I can marinate some pork chops and have these amazing orange-zested pork chops along with lovely saffron rice and vanilla ice cream for dessert.
It's THAT fucking easy. Seriously. You can plan entire meals, including dessert, all around the various spices they house here. AND the spices are all amazing. Their paprika will make you piss on the shit you get from Safeway or Fry's.
My parents used to order stuff through their catalogue which was always really, really cool. They have amazing accessories too like really well-made pepper grinders and salt shakers. Having the store to actually go to is an amazing experience. I'm a seasoning-smeller, I admit it. I could spend all day smelling their bay leaves, cinnamon and sage.