It pains me to say after Blue was my favorite restaurant for yeeeeears but spending 12 hours sick as a dog without them doing a thing about it has forced me too.
On Dec 18 2010 we sprang for an overnight sitter, got a room at the Omni, and a reservation at Blue (our favorite restaurant) By the time dinner was over I needed to use the restroom and after that barely made it back to the Omni where I spent the rest of the night on the toilet. I have eaten food from street vendors in Asia, Africa, and Mexico and have NEVER had a problem; yes I have intestines of steel.
I called Blue the next day to warn them if nothing else and was told "the chef is off but I will let him know" I never heard another thing. I wasn't looking for a million dollars, but I spent $400 for a romantic evening on the john.
Mistakes happen, I am just disappointed in Blues lack of response or concern for a loyal customer.