Dove Valley is owned by a corporation that charges excessive fees for animal care. If you're rich -- you're in the right place. I'm not. I was told repeatedly that to cut my cat's 10 toenails (a procedure that takes roughly 9 seconds) would cost me $20. That's wrong on so many levels I can't take the time to list them all. There is no sense of customer service. Your business is treated as cavalierly as them taking out the trash. You can do much better for a vet -- in terms of quality treatment and cost. These people are vets to the rich. If you can afford them, God bless you. For the rest of us, there are GREAT options for vets that are in it because they love animals, not money. A quick internet search will take you to three other vets in the Cave Creek area -- all privately owned (not victims of corporate greed) with vets that care. Believe me, steer clear of Dove Valley. They're owned by a conglomerate vet company that care about nothing but profit.