I usually go to another appletree location where my family doctor is based. This time I decided I needed to go to a closer location. My issue, I wanted a regular injection I've been getting at apple tree for 3 years now with no hassle whatsoever and I get regular tests for it. when I got to this location, the doctor charged my insurance company 164 $ for seeing him because its a "new case". this price did not include tests or anything else. I explained that I have my medical history with appletree, which is accessible through their system. I tried to negotiate a lower price even though it won't affect me because insurance is paying. I just thought its a rip off.
It turned out to be a rip off in my view because the appointment took literally 10 minutes. he asked very few questions. He took most of the information from the history available on the AppleTree system. He prescribed the injection I regularly get, and that was it.
if I had the injection, it would've cost me 15$ to get it as the clinic has the option for "private injection" walk-in-situation.
I feel responsible to state:
*patients paying out of pocket, beware!
*folks who have medical coverage, beware too because this extensive test is allowed twice a year from what I read on OHIP coverage.
the doctor I saw and who insisted on the price was Vincenzo Stendardo.
The medical assistants had nothing to do with it.