Vision has been our community's management company for several years now. At first glance, our community seems ok. The parks look nice and the streets are relatively clean. The communal areas are kept up nicely. However, if you really take the time to look around, our community has gone significantly downhill since their taking the helm. We have been through at least 4 community managers and each one has been more blind than the next to the blatant violations that occur throughout our community. For example, there has been a huge picture of Jesus in the bushes of one of the communal areas near the main road for 2 weeks now. It caught my eye one day when the sun glimmered off of the glass. How after all this time the community manager hasn't noticed it is beyond me...but it definitely solidifies my feeling that they really aren't looking...if they are even here at all! I suppose that it must be a perk however, to be on the HOA board of directors because those guys are the worst violators of them all.
With respect to contacting Vision about concerns, you get a snide, exasperated response from Hannah. I kind of feel sorry for her because she has to be the one to hear all the crap from all the residents and unfortunately because her company sucks so bad--she never get the chance to hear very much in the way of positivity. I called her recently to try to communicate with her about the road work that the city was planning and she wasn't quite sure how to handle a conversation with someone who was seeking a win/win. Maybe she's nice in her non-work life though I'll never know and hopefully Vision will someday be the company she wants it to be because honestly, she doesn't deserve all the abuse she gets simply because Vision sucks.
I hope someday our HOA board will get its nose out of Vision's ass and price out a new management company. Our old company was actually very good but there was a lot of stupid drama that caused the change in the first place. It would be nice if people who joined boards actually represented the needs of the people and not had personal agendas but it is what it is.