The Mayo campus in Scottsdale is beautiful and you will feel more like you are at a
resort than a clinic setting.
Considering the amount of patients that I assume pass through this clinic, I am very
impressed with how organized they were with appointments and sending information to me. What I found very annoying was the fact that at
least twice they made appointments for me with out even contacting me or asking if
I was available etc. I found out I had the appointment when I got the "reminder"
phone call the day before.
The Doctors and staff were very knowledgeable, professional, and friendly. My
biggest disappointment was that so many tests were ordered for me that I began to
feel that they were unnecessary and couldn't help but think that they might be
ordering as many tests as possible just to collect from the insurance company.
I would also give them big kudos for providing written test results with interpretationsand photographs to me when everything was complete.