Shark Tank.
These employees pray on the uneducated, and sell people who are just browsing for a good phone the most expensive phone possible.
Who really cares what phone best suits your needs. What's important for these employees are numbers. You think buying a phone that comes free with a 2 year contract is a good sale for these employees? Nope. What they want is for you to fork over $200+ for the newest phone because - lets get real - that's how they look good on their monthy reports.
Let's remember people - this is all about numbers. And without good numbers, these employees won't be out on the show room floor for long.
So, what's the lesson? Go in knowing what you want. Go in to the store after you've done you're homework. Because if you go in to just browse, you are at the whim of these employees who are guaranteed to sell you the priciest money maker they have available.
Don't stroll in for this feeding frenzy uneducated. Because those sharks won't listen, and your bound to pay a hefty price.