Decided to check this place out after the girlfriend raved about how great it was. I'm pretty hard to impress on a good day, but I have to say the food was not bad compared to the options we have in the neighbourhood. That being said, you're going to get a kick in the can over the price. $15 for chicken wings is just an example.
The beer list is terrible. They decided to pick some of the worst craft beers this city has to offer. I can get behind supporting local but it's clear nobody tasted half the lineup to see it if would fit. I hope some changes are made because I really want to love this place.
After being open for a couple days they were already out of 4 menu items. We snacked on a couple appetizers but we decided to skip the main course... you know, because they didn't have them.
Substandard open, good appetizers and a shaky beer list have me giving second thought on a return. Maybe once they've got the kinks worked out they will become the gem of the area. Until then, I'll be going elsewhere.