Amongst the overpriced glitz and glam tourist areas that make up Las Vegas, you find little gems like First Fridays that are fun and free. Various food trucks, live music, and lots of art and crafty vendors to check out. Bubs and I had a good time walking around and exploring the area. Alcohol is served at moderate prices. $6 - $10 depending on what you're getting. We both got $10 mules, but they were decent pours.
Let's face it, yes parking sucks the big one. There are event lots, around $10, or you can scour the streets for a free spot. At 8pm it took me about 15 min to find free street parking. Not the worst I've ever endured.
When you're ballin' on a budget and need to get out of the house, First Fridays is a cool place to check out.