| - I try to usually give 2 visits to a facility before creating a review so I will review both visits.
My first visit to man's best friend was fabulous!! I was booked with Olivia and let me tell you, she was born to groom! There was not a single hair out of place on my dog and I absolutely loved how she takes your needs and goes above and beyond in executing them. She set the bar SO high for me, she even made my dogs paws look like perfectly round little boots, it was so cute I sent everyone pictures of them! My family thought my dog looked amazing and literally commented on the groom for days! The second visit I had was pretty recent and I realized it was bad when all my family could say was what happened to Kiko?! And now they look at her and say "Aw poor puppy" lol NOT a good sign.
For my second visit, let's just say when it comes to my pup I would say I have fairly low standards when it comes to the cut, as long as it's not a complete choppy, scraggly mess (if I wanted a bad job I'd I'd do the groom myself lol!). But there's no cuts on my dog and she was 100% not harmed. This visit I was booked with another groomer, Charly. He let me know right when he saw her he wouldn't need the 3 hours and that she'd be done in more like 2 hours. When I picked her up 2 hours later I thought it was super short like all over (usually her ears and tail are just lightly trimmed) but it didn't bug me too bad because it's super hot and I want my papillon comfortable for the summer. It wasn't until I got in the car that I noticed just how uneven the cut actually was. Not to mention her NAILS omg (I pay extra to have them filed everywhere I go), they were so freaking sharp. I checked them out and I noticed a few were filed and a few were like straight up jagged. Some of the nails were cut way too short but luckily my dog wasn't injured on this visit. The other thing that really bothered me was my dogs tail :( she has this perfect little "feather duster" tail and every groomer I've been to has loved it so much and taken good care of the length. Charly, for some odd reason cut this random a** chunk off the VERY top of the tail.... and left the rest long. Now there's a disconnect in the tail when it wags... it doesn't look cute it just kind of flops around. That to me looked like he made a mistake. Her ears were very choppy as well and I only asked for a trim, he full blown took a scissor to her little papillon ears!
The good thing was that my dog again wasn't hurt so I'm very happy about that, and the bandana she was sent home with was a different pattern than last time, cute! Another plus is that they are SO sweet to the dogs, I could tell Charly really did care and he said my dog liked him which is always nice to hear. Hair grows back but I guess the price I paid wasn't worth it this time around.
Honestly I'm not going to say don't go there because I would return for the amazing services done by Olivia. Definitely always choose Olivia if you need full-on grooming services. I would book Charly if you need a bath or any services where he doesn't need to bring his Edward Scissor hands near your puppy lol I'm sorry I know it's mean to say :(((
The point of this review isn't to attack the salon because they're all so nice and like I said I most likely will go back for Olivia, but hopefully we can all learn from this experience haha