| - This review is not to rate the hotel for an overnight stay, but a group dinner event that I attended there.
First of all, the parking deck of the hotel is terrible. It is dark and creepy and not well designed at all. While it may be difficult/expensive to tear down and re-build the deck, at a minimum, the hotel could at least put excellent lighting in there to help improve the situation.
Second, the overall layout of the hotel is very odd and it is not easy to find the ballrooms in the crazy maze of the building's footprint. It is one of the worst hotel designs I have ever seen. Again, this would be difficult to correct without great expense, but at a minimum the hotel could do a better job with providing signage and having staff posted at various points throughout the hotel.
Thirdly, while we were in the ballroom for our dinner meeting , the lights kept flickering and the room itself felt dingy and old. Dinner was not great, we were served a pasta dish with chicken, which is ok as long as you are not allergic to gluten. When the person who cannot eat wheat/gluten asked the server for a dish without pasta, she was brought a "naked" chicken breast - just a plain piece of chicken on a plate with nothing else - no salad, no vegetables, no nothing. We found this to be bizarre and totally unprofessional. A "full service kitchen" with "professional chefs" should be well equipped and completely prepared to handle special food requests as food allergies and other dietary restrictions are very common these days.
When we were leaving the event and going back to the parking deck, as soon as we exited the rear of the building, we were actually accosted by a "pan-handler" looking for money. Definitely not what one expects to encounter in the Southpark area. I do realize that crime happens everywhere, but the way this hotel is laid out and the weird deck situation seems to attract this sort of unsavory occurance.
Overall, I would not recommend hosting any special events here, and based on the creepy parking deck alone, I would not recommend this place to out-of-town guests. I think that if I am invited to any future events here, I will decline to attend.