Can I say something? Laser Quest is amazing. A friend and myself were tasked to take care of a Finnish girl in Calgary for the day. We started at a decent hour, figured out she didn't really want to do anything we liked to do, so I suggested we go to Laser Quest in an act of complete random desperation. I hadn't been since the tender age of 13, when I still thought it was cool to call myself "Vader" or "Your Butt." And I always came in last. I was a Laser Quest loser, and just a loser.
So we went based on this kind of sad nostalgia, found the place had moved to about a block south of the Macleod Tr. S Canadian Tire. We went in, and decided to take the 3 games for $20 deal. We were the only non-parents in there over the age of 15. That did not stop me from completely enjoying shooting a plastic laser gun for 60 consecutive minutes.
Oh man, it was awesome. Awesome. Awesome. I came in 2nd twice. That's all.